Imagination is more important than knowledge

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The sad state of software developers in Albania (and maybe in the World)

Today I did a test to hire a junior developer. From about 20 applications, I did select 6 that I thought were the best and from them only 4 did show up! I presented to them a test that I thought was pretty easy. Here are the questions of the test:

  1. Write a program that will print out the longest sequence without prime numbers, less than a given number N.

    Example: If N is give 30, the sequence is 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.

  2. Write a program that print out the result of the following method called with a value of 6.

    public static void mystery(int n) {

       if (n == 0 || n == 1) return;





  3. The table Orders has the following fields Id, Product, Amount, Price. Write a query to print out the product name and amount for all products that have "TV" in their name and for which the amount ordered is bigger than 1,000 euro.
  4. Describe with a single sentence the following terms: HTTP, HTML, CSS, jQuery, XML, SQL, C#, SVN, IL, SEO.
  5. Describe the last project that you have worked for and the solution you have implemented explaining why you did it that way.

The total test had 100 points and I was expecting all of them to get at least 50-60 points. It turns out it was too much! Two of the candidates were already working as software developers and they got 15 points!!! I don't see how on earth they would produce anything useful. The other two were still students and were able to get 45-50 points which in comparison it's a pretty good result, but considering the test it's pretty poor!

It's a pretty sad state, when your best candidate for software developer isn't able to write a simple SQL query!

Comments (11) -

  • Joan Dimko

    10/5/2013 6:31:50 PM | Reply

    Kerkesa tek 2 eshte gabim ose ska sens

  • Joan Dimko

    10/5/2013 8:49:12 PM | Reply

    ... qenka me thread-e

  • milena

    10/5/2013 9:11:49 PM | Reply

    Clidhje kan threadet aty?? Ke degjuar ndonjehere per funksion REKURSIVE ???

  • swdev

    10/7/2013 5:15:54 PM | Reply

    Ndoshta eshte me e rendesishme per nje developer junior te kete nje llogjike dhe analize te forte te problemeve, sesa zgjidhjen e nje problemi me rekursivitet apo me kontroll numrash prim.

    Fakti qe studentet kane marre me shume pike mund te kete te beje me ate qe keto (numrat prim dhe rekursiviteti) jane tematika shkollore,dhe ata i kane me te fresketa, dhe qe pas shkolles realisht i sheh shume pak. Zgjidhja e problemeve me siper mesohet shume kollaj, dhe gjendet ne te gjitha manualet e bloget e pregatitjes per intervista. Ndoshta do te ishte me vend ti jepej me shume rendesi menyres si dikush e kerkon zgjidhjen dhe jo thjesht mesimit te ushtrimeve me rekursivitet etj.

    Jam dakort qe nje developer(aq me teper nje qe punon diku) ne nje provim te tille nuk mund te dale me 15 pik.

    Just my 2c.

  • Admin

    10/7/2013 6:21:21 PM | Reply

    That's the point...rekursiviteti eshte nje nga menyrat me te mira per te pare nese ka logjike te forte. Por nese marrin 15 pike ne nje test te tille, c'logjike mund te pretendosh?!

  • InfoVl

    10/7/2013 9:54:50 PM | Reply

    Je i sigurt se kerkesa 1 eshte e sakte? Me aq sa di une nr prim jane nr natyror qe nuk kane pjesetues tjeter vec nr 1 dhe vetes. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 ?????

  • Admin

    10/8/2013 1:12:28 AM | Reply

    typo...kerkesa eshte "pa numra prim"

  • InfoVl

    10/8/2013 2:13:47 AM | Reply

    Tani kerkesa eshte "pa numra prim". OK Smile

  • Besa

    2/13/2014 7:14:35 PM | Reply

    Keep looking for good candidates. In Albania the good ones are already taken Smile and the CV-s can many times be misleading. The important thing is not to lower the standards, at the end candidates will jump as high as they are required. If they can still work even without the basic knowledge needed for this test, it means that something is wrong in the marketplace as well.

  • Admin

    2/25/2014 1:15:41 PM | Reply

    Of course something is wrong in the marketplace as well Frown

  • Jonid Bendo

    6/13/2014 1:38:59 PM | Reply

    Well Albert considering the level in Albania when it comes to programmers in general is pretty low i see no surprises there. If you also consider the total absence of standards when it comes to software, what else can you expect.

    But if you look carefully i am sure there are exceptions to these rules. I have taken in persons that were inexperienced but had passion in them. So although some may fail you should be careful to see how much they try.

    My opinion stands on motivation. You can not except them to be experts just coming out of the University, if they have a 2+ years experience and can not solve your questions then they are not fit for anything, but if they are trying really hard although they have 0 experience, well i would at least hire them for as a trial.

    But nevertheless the general situation in Albania is just sad.

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